Do Babies Sleep More During Leaps, really? A Look at the Research

Do Babies Sleep More During Leaps? It’s a question that many parents ask themselves as they try to navigate the tumultuous early months of their child’s life.

As new parents, we’re often bombarded with conflicting information about what to expect during these “leap” periods, characterized by rapid cognitive and developmental changes in infants.

Some sources suggest that babies may sleep more during these times, while others claim the opposite. So what’s the truth? Is there any evidence to support the idea that babies sleep more during leaps?

In this blog post, we’ll look at the latest research on the topic and explore what it means for parents trying to make sense of their baby’s sleep patterns.

We’ll delve into the science behind baby leaps and sleep and discuss the various factors influencing a baby’s sleep during these periods. By the end of this post, you’ll better understand what to expect from your baby’s sleep during leaps and how to manage any changes that may arise. So let’s get started!

do babies sleep more during leaps
do babies sleep more during leaps

What is Baby Leaps?

Babies are born with a very set schedule of sleep and wake cycles. Although these patterns vary from baby to baby, at around six months, most babies experience a period when they spend less time sleeping, experience longer times awake in the night, and spend more time awake during the day for short burst periods.

These sudden changes in sleep timing can be both rapid and dramatic. Most parents report that their babies become very fussy during this time.

The name “leap” comes from the fact that these periods are often described as sudden changes in babies’ sleep patterns, like a “leap” from one stage to another. Leap periods are also characterized by marked changes in a baby’s developmental and cognitive skills, often coinciding with the beginnings of new developmental stages.

Leap periods can take on many forms. They often last a few months but can last as long as 18 months or more.

What Does the Research Say?

The research is somewhat mixed when it comes to an understanding the relationship between baby leaps and sleep. Some studies suggest that babies sleep more during jumps, while others report little or no change in sleep patterns.

One study published in the journal Sleep Medicine in 2019 found that babies experienced increased daytime sleep during leap periods, particularly during the second year of life.

The researchers hypothesized that this increase in sleep might be due to the cognitive demands of developmental leaps and the resulting need for more rest.

On the other hand, a 2017 study published in the Journal of Sleep Research found no significant differences in sleep patterns between leap and non-leap periods.

The study followed a group of infants from birth to 12 months old and found that while some individual differences in sleep were observed, there was no clear correlation between developmental leaps and sleep.

It’s important to note that individual differences in sleep patterns, as well as variations in study design, may account for some of the discrepancies in research findings.

In addition, the effects of baby leaps on sleep may vary depending on a baby’s temperament, developmental stage, and environment.

Overall, while some evidence suggests that babies may sleep more during leap periods, the research is not conclusive.

More studies are needed to understand the relationship between baby leaps and sleep fully. However, developmental leaps can cause changes in a baby’s behavior and sleep patterns. Caregivers must be aware of these changes and respond with patience and consistent care.

Factors That Affect Baby Sleep During Leaps

Here are some factors that can affect baby sleep during leaps:

  1. DEVELOPMENTAL CHANGES: During leaps, babies experience rapid cognitive and developmental changes. These changes can cause sleep disruptions, as babies may struggle to settle down or stay asleep due to increased brain activity.
  2. GROWTH SPURTS: Babies typically go through growth spurts during leaps. During these periods, babies may feel more hungry and require more frequent feedings, which can disrupt their sleep patterns.
  3. DISCOMFORT OR PAIN: As babies grow, they may experience discomfort or pain due to teething or other physical changes. This can make it difficult for them to fall asleep or stay asleep.
  4. CHANGES IN ROUTINE: During leaps, babies may experience changes in their routine, such as starting daycare or traveling. These changes can disrupt their sleep patterns and make it more difficult for them to settle down.
  5. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Environmental factors, such as noise, light, and temperature, can affect a baby’s sleep during leaps. Babies may be more sensitive to these factors during developmental leaps, making falling or staying asleep more difficult.
  6. ILLNESS: During leaps, babies may be more susceptible to illness due to changes in their immune system. Illness can disrupt a baby’s sleep patterns and make it more difficult for them to sleep through the night.
  7. CAREGIVER BEHAVIOR: Caregiver behavior can also affect a baby’s sleep during leaps. Babies may struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep if their caregivers are inconsistent in their bedtime routine or don’t respond to their needs promptly.
  8. FATIGUE: During leaps, babies may have more energy and trouble calming down, making it difficult for them to fall asleep and stay asleep. Parents can help their baby settle by creating a calm and soothing bedtime routine that includes putting their baby to bed when tired.
  9. STRESS: When parents experience stress during leaps, babies may be more sensitive to it, making it difficult for them to sleep well. Parents can alleviate stress during leaps by taking steps to reduce anxiety and managing their own emotions.
  10. FOOD: Some babies may be more sensitive to certain foods or other substances during developmental leaps, causing greater difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep. Parents can help their baby manage food sensitivities during leaps by closely monitoring their baby’s diet and eliminating substances that increase sleep disruption.

By understanding these factors that affect baby sleep during leaps, parents and caregivers can take steps to help their babies sleep better and navigate these periods of rapid development.

Practical Tips for Navigating Baby Leaps

Here are some practical tips for navigating baby leaps:

  • LEARN TO RECOGNIZE LEAP CUES: Knowing when a jump is coming up can help you prepare for changes in your baby’s sleep and behavior. Look for signs like increased fussiness, clinginess, and changes in feeding and sleep patterns.
  • STICK TO A CONSISTENT SLEEP ROUTINE: Babies thrive on routine. Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule can help them feel secure and sleep better. Try to keep a regular bedtime and nap schedule, and create a calming pre-sleep routine that signals to your baby that it’s time to rest.
  • PROVIDE A SOOTHING SLEEP ENVIRONMENT: Creating a comfortable and calming environment can help your baby sleep better during leaps. Use blackout curtains or a white noise machine to block distractions and create a dark, quiet space that promotes relaxation.
  • OFFER EXTRA COMFORT AND SUPPORT: During leaps, your baby may need extra comfort and support to feel secure and calm. Offer extra cuddles, gentle massage, or a soothing song to help them relax and fall asleep.
  • PRACTICE RESPONSIVE CAREGIVING: Responding promptly and sensitively to your baby’s needs can help build a solid and trusting relationship, which is essential for healthy sleep habits. Respond to your baby’s cues and needs with warmth and empathy, and avoid letting them cry it out or ignoring their needs.
  • SEEK SUPPORT: Leaps can be challenging, and it’s okay to seek support from family, friends, or a professional. Reach out to other parents or join a support group to connect with others who are going through similar experiences. Consider talking to a pediatrician, lactation consultant, or sleep expert if you have concerns about your baby’s sleep or development.

Remember that every baby is different, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution to navigating baby leaps and sleep. Trust your instincts, be patient, and seek support when needed.


Baby leaps can significantly impact a baby’s sleep patterns, and it’s common for parents to wonder if their baby will sleep more during leaps. While there is some research on this topic, the results are inconclusive, and individual differences may play a role.

The most important thing parents can do is to prepare for changes in their baby’s sleep and behavior during leaps and provide a consistent and supportive sleep environment. Trust your instincts, be patient, and seek support when needed.

With time and patience, your baby will adjust to the changes and develop healthy sleep habits that support their cognitive and developmental growth.

I hope that this article gives parents better insights into baby leaps and sleep. As mentioned, if you want to learn more about baby leaps and sleep, please check out our Facebook Page on the same topic, where I will share more tips and information.

But remember that it is not up to me to decide how your baby should sleep. If you feel something is wrong, please check with your doctor for evaluation and advice.Top of Form


What are baby leaps, and how do they affect my baby’s sleep?

Baby leaps are stages of rapid cognitive and developmental growth that babies go through during the first year of life. During leaps, babies may experience changes in sleep patterns, duration, and quality, as well as in behavior and mood.

Do babies sleep more during leaps?

There is some research on this topic, but the results are inconclusive. Some babies may sleep more during leaps, while others may experience changes in their sleep patterns, such as waking more frequently at night.

What can I do to help my baby sleep better during leaps?

To help your baby sleep better during leaps, stick to a consistent sleep routine, provide a soothing sleep environment, offer extra comfort and support, and practice responsive caregiving. It’s also essential to seek support from family, friends, or professionals if you have concerns about your baby’s sleep or development.

How long do baby leaps last?

Baby leaps typically last for a few weeks, and babies may undergo several leaps during their first year. The timing and duration of leaps may vary from baby to baby.

When should I be concerned about my baby’s sleep during leaps?

Suppose you notice significant changes in your baby’s sleep patterns or behavior during leaps. In that case, it’s essential to talk to your pediatrician. They can help rule out any underlying medical issues or offer guidance on managing sleep changes during leaps.

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